Six Weird Art Instagram Accounts You Need to Follow

Instagram is a place where many of us artists post our work, and with art being the tight knit, mutually supportive community that it is, I’ve decided to share other artists whose work I admire, and who, (despite many of their already massive following,) will always deserve more. Thus, this blog entry is all about persuading you to join that body of followers and give these talented and accomplished artists just a little extra support.

Let’s jump right in!

1.) John Lucas - @johnnytoons

John Lucas’s work can sometimes give you a good laugh, and other times it’s a total acid trip that will leave you scratching your head, wondering what the heck you’re even looking at. But more often than not, it’s both. His sketchbook heads, which he posts frequently, are especially bizarre in the best way possible, and the line work is exquisite!

2.) The High Road Design - @the_high_road_design

The High Road Design has some of the most bizarre, and at times shockingly irreverent, artwork I have ever seen on the ‘Gram. But that’s precisely what makes it excellent, and definitely worth a look. His use of color and texture make his work a real feast for the eyes.

Additionally, he has a Shopify store where he sells some of his best illustrations on t-shirts. The shirts themselves look so fantastic that it’s really hard for me not to buy at least one. (But alas, I’ll probably have to wait for my birthday…)

P. S. I did not embed a post, because his account is age restricted, so it won’t show. The best thing to do is visit the account yourself, and make sure you let IG know you’re over 18.

3.) David DeGrand - @daviddegrand

David Degrand’s work is similar to The High Road Design in its use of color and texture, but it’s a lot tamer, and it has a sad quality to it as well. He has a flair for sardonic humor and is able to make us at once laugh and cringe at some of the more ridiculous and less flattering aspects of our society.

More impressive is his involvement in such iconic cartoons as Spongebob Squarepants and The Simpsons, as his bio mentions. This guy has definitely been around!

If you want more ideas to jump start your creativity, I’d like to briefly tell you about my free e-book:

29 Wild, Weird, and Wacky Drawing Prompts.

You can get it by signing up here, and you’ll also get regular updates on my art, animation, illustration, etc. I promise to only send you the good stuff, and you can unsubscribe at any time.

4.) Andrew McMullen - @inconsistent.artstyle

By his own admission, Andrew McMullen doesn’t stick with just one style, but it’s the unpredictability that keeps things fresh. Much of what you see is a psychedelic nightmare that has been randomly ejected from his creative mind, and I mean that in the best way possible. Definitely check out his account if you want more color, weird shapes, and a little bit of gore.

5.) Jenean - @justalittlebitcreepy

The surrealism of Jenean’s artwork is a big part of the appeal of her account (as the handle implies,) but I think her use of line and color are equally worth mentioning. She also keeps her posts stylistically consistent, which is a big plus for those of us who like to follow accounts with the idea that we can know what to expect.

6.) Johnpaul Gutierrez - @artworkbyjpg

Johnpaul’s use of line and color are certainly impressive, but that’s not even the half of it! His wild sketches, with their unexpected faces and joints, and the unpredictability of what he will put on the page next, is a big part of what makes this guy creative to the max. His art is a visual thrill ride you won’t soon forget!

And that’s it for this list. Please do me a favor, and follow at least one of these accounts. They are definitely worth it.

Which of these artists did you like the best? How many of them did you end up following? Sound off in the comments.

Till next time!


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