TV Show Review: Smiling Friends (Adult Swim)

I don’t usually post algorithm-pleasing, trend-following content, unless I actually have a better reason for sharing such content than simply to please an algorithm or follow a trend. This may be a very trending topic right now, but, I assure you, it’s no exception to my rule.

I had previously watched a few clips of the new Adult Swim show, Smiling Friends, on YouTube, and found some of it amusing and interesting. But when it was announced that Adult Swim green lit it, I had to catch the premiere. Unfortunately, my DVR got it mixed up with a bunch of other shows, so I missed most of it, but I was able to watch it on streaming over the weekend. And let me tell you, this show rocks!! Here are a few reasons why I give Smiling Friends a 10/10 rating.

Let’s start with the artwork: I’m not much of a fan of shows like American Dad, Family Guy, and Futurama, mainly because of their cookie-cutter artwork that looks flat and generally unappealing.

But what really sets Smiling Friends apart from the crowd is its phenomenal use of line, shape, and color to create the characters and scenes. When I saw the trailer, (above,) I knew this was going to be a special show because of this. Little did I expect, however, that they were going to drop some epic visual zingers in with the main artwork. Let me show you some examples of what I’m talking about:

As you can see in this example, the devil wasn’t created the same way as Charlie, Pim, etc. It’s hard to tell whether this is CGI or stop motion, or maybe some convoluted combination of the two, but this much is certain: it really adds a layer of richness to the artwork because it’s so unexpected. There are a couple other scenes that use this technique: one is a forest demon in the Halloween episode, and the other is a crying balloon head in the Frowning Friends episode. Both, as well as this one, are very well done! (There are similar visuals of Pim and Shrimpy, and although I don’t count those because they’re static images, they still add a lot more visual appeal than they would if they were just drawn normally.)

They have also peppered in some live action footage, which is one of the best things an animated show can do because it is the antithesis of animation. It’s not just unexpected—it’s the opposite of what you’d expect! (Of course, for this reason, it’s also a technique that you have to get right, otherwise it can wreck an animated show. Smiling Friends has got it right!)

And let’s not forget the office TV set, which is often exploited for the purpose of showing off their creative visual zingers in parts where they may have a hard time doing so otherwise.

Another thing I really love about this show is its colorful plots and characters. Even one-off characters like Shrimpy, Mr. Frog, or the Which Hand Witch are memorable because they are so imaginative. (The trailer at the top of this entry shows many of them, and you can see the highly individualized attention that was paid to these characters despite the fact that they only appear in one episode each.) And I love how the plots deal with a lot of different themes, some highly sensitive, and are able to approach them with such finesse that it comes across as relatable without being offensive at all.

And while we are on the subject, I’d also like to point out the real heart of this show’s premise: it’s about making people smile, but this theme is dealt with in a way that is sympathetic, and it does a great job of showing that everyone has their weaknesses, there is no such thing as being happy all the time, and that it’s okay not to be happy sometimes. The whole show is a wonderful examination of what positivity is and is not. It’s emphasis on smiling is by no means toxic positivity, but merely a gentle reminder that, even in our crazy world, smiling and being happy has its place.

With that, I highly recommend that you give this show a watch. Reruns are still being aired on Adult Swim on Sundays, but you can also watch it on Amazon Video, (though you will have to pay $20 for the whole season. Ugh!) But the good news is, if you are an HBO Max subscriber, you’ll be able to stream it on that platform on February 9. Can’t wait that long? How about Hulu! They also have it.



What do you think about Smiling Friends? Did you love it? Hate it? Sound off in the comments below! Also, be sure to subscribe to my email newsletter for more awesome content delivered straight to your inbox.


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