Good Content vs. Bad Content. The Struggle is Real!

Between being caught up in my animation and illustration work, my social media posts, and my blog and newsletter, plus the time I spend with my university studies, it’s extremely hard to find balance, not just in life, but also in what content I put out.

It’s obviously a double edged sword, because on the one hand, this is 2022. Social media is a thing, we need to put out content as part of our personal brands, and so on…

And yet, on the flip side, how do you make time for all the important stuff you do every day?

The struggle is real, but let’s remember to always look on the bright side, for it is there that we find our strength!

One thing I personally am guilty of is thinking, “I have to draw more so I have more content to post.” But I find it easy to forget how fortunate I am that I can even do this to begin with. If I have to, then it takes away from that. The truth is, I get to do this every day! And once I get to that point in my thinking, I can have more energy to do what I do best—and to share it with the world!

And one more thing: to manage time is to find time for everything. Ultimately how you do it is up to you, but I’ve found that time management is the secret sauce to really getting things done.

So let’s all find time to be strong, like this dude…


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