Today Marks the Beginning of a New Challenge

After much deliberation, I have come to a decision about my creative journey, and it’s one that I think you’ll like!

If I’m being perfectly honest, my biggest problem has been Instagram. I love it and hate it at the same time: I love it because it can be a really awesome way to promote my illustration and animation work, but I hate it because there’s so much work involved.

But really that’s only a lame excuse, as I recently found out.

To begin with, I want to give a big shout out to Mimi Purnell, who has inspired me to take a much-needed five day a week Instagram art challenge. She did it herself, and with profoundly positive results, as you’ll see in the below video

My biggest question, as I was watching this, is: if I don’t like the work involved with posting art on Instagram, then why am I even an artist? This honest self-reflection really drove the point home: an artist constantly creates! Constantly meaning that we never ever stop because it’s a part of us! And why should we stop?

This is really a profound way to look at yourself if you feel unmotivated. Yes, you might have to do a lot of work with (xyz pursuit), and yes, you need to do that work in order to succeed. But if you want success, doesn’t it mean you are invested in it at a personal level? Even at the level of your identity?

So, that got me thinking, I am fortunate to even have the skill and passion to do the art I do every day, so I just have to dump the lame excuses and get to work! If I don’t, why am I even calling myself an artist?

So expect a massive amount of art from me on Instagram in the near future… It will be epic!

What do you identify as, and how do you act on that identity on a day to day basis? Sound off in the comments!


What Is Your Art’s Message?


Good Content vs. Bad Content. The Struggle is Real!